112Made Rugs

112Made Rugs

112Rugs offers a wide range of high-quality and stylish rugs for various decor styles and preferences. Our rugs are 100% handmade acrylic yarn rugs. We pride ourselves on providing exceptional customer service and strive to exceed our customers' expectations with our diverse selection and competitive pricing. With our commitment to quality and satisfaction, we aim to create a seamless and enjoyable rug-buying experience for all our valued customers.


Our recent NFL Viral Collaboration has taken our brand to the next level. With Baltimore Ravens players, Lamar Jackson and Marlon Humphrey being our newest and most viral customers, join the family and stay up to speed on the stylish decor rug styles.


Whether you're searching for a luxurious area rug to enhance the elegance of your living space or a durable rug for your high-traffic areas, we have the perfect solution.

Buying options

  • Browse our designs and find the perfect design for you. Place your order and we’ll handle the rest!

  • Have something specific in mind? Fill our our form for a custom design and our team will reach out to make sure all the details are collected. Once we have everything we need, your design will be mocked-up and put into production.

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